
Adults in Ministry


Adults in Ministry (AIM) allows Mountain T.O.P. to take on and complete vital structural repairs and renovations of local homes that would not be possible otherwise.

Adults in Ministry seeks to bring adults from all over the country together to the Cumberland Plateau. We are theologically focused, integrated into our local community, committed to transformative experiences for all, intentional about working with (not for) local families, and able to help you plan your trip. Our days are created around rhythms of work and rest, service and worship.

Major Home Repair

In an effort to improve the substandard housing reality in our community, Mountain T.O.P. dedicates the efforts of our adult volunteers to substantial housing repairs. We routinely address issues of structural integrity, replace shingle roofs with corrugated metal, replace dilapidated siding, renovate interior spaces, and install new windows. We know that improving a family’s housing situation can have significant positive effects on their physical health, social connectedness, and personal wellbeing.

No construction experience? No problem! On any worksite, there is work for every skill level. Because we value meeting the social, emotional, and spiritual needs of the family, we encourage Mountain T.O.P. volunteers to spend time building relationships with the families. Furthermore, each Ministry Production Team (MPT) has a Point Person. This person is a pre-designated volunteer that serves as a liaison between Mountain T.O.P.’s Service Area Managers and the rest of the team. The Point Person may have specific experience necessary for the particular project or a plethora of Mountain T.O.P. experience that can help the group feel comfortable on the worksite.

Major Home Repair happens every weekend of Adults in Ministry.

Fall Festival

What started as a shoe distribution event in 2012 has blossomed into a full community fun event for families. Every year, community partners are invited to offer activities, carnival games, or giveaways for children in the hopes that parents would visit their tables to learn about programs. Mountain T.O.P. is simply the location where we can come together to create an event that meets practical needs in addition to community connectedness. Just like Major Home Repair, the Festival meets all four needs: social, emotional, physical, and spiritual. People pay $1 or give 1 non-expired canned food item per person to enter. Most items given away at the Fall Festival are donated by individuals or churches, locally and within the wider Mountain T.O.P. network. Such items include coats, shoes, socks, winter accessories, and hygiene items.

Fall Festival happens on the 4th Saturday of October, in addition to Major Home Repair. In 2025, Fall Festival will be during Weekend 3.

Learn more about the Adults in Ministry program, Mountain T.O.P.’s service philosophies, and the logistical details of the weekend by reading our Core Guide!


Dates and Prices

Dates & Prices

Fall 2025 Dates

  • October 2 - 5 | Major Home Repair only

  • October 9 - 12 | Major Home Repair only

  • October 17 & 18 | Local Volunteer days

  • October 23 - 26 | Major Home Repair & Fall Festival

  • October 30 - November 2 | Major Home Repair only

Registration for Fall 2025 will open on April 1, 2025!


  • We will be serving through Major Home Repair all 4 weekends. Weekend 3 (October 23 - 26) will include Major Home Repair and Fall Festival.


  • Returner: $250

  • Former Staff*/First-Timer/Student: $210

    *Additional scholarships are available for former staff. Please contact info@mountain-top.org for more information.


  • There are no payment deadlines at this time; however, your registration is incomplete until we receive payment.

  • If you want to pay by check, please select “Pay Later” option during registration. You will be charged a $10 registration fee during checkout, which will be deducted from your final payment.

Age Requirement

  • Participants must be 18 or older to participate in Adults in Ministry events.

Preparation Materials

Preparation Materials

In order to serve our community with dignity, we ask our volunteers to prepare themselves both spiritually and logistically. Please take time to read through our Core Guide, which introduces you to our service area and Mountain T.O.P.’s philosophies of service, as well as includes the required paperwork for participation.

All participants need to complete the following:

  • Adult Self-Screening Form: complete and send to Jacey prior to arrival. Everyone must have a background check on file with their church or Mountain T.O.P., current within the last three years. If you need Mountain T.O.P. to run a background check for you, please submit a payment for $10.

    • To pay for your background check by card, be sure to indicate in your online registration that you would like Mountain T.O.P. to run a background check for you when prompted.

  • Medical Information & Statement of Activities and Release: TWO copies must be brought with you to camp and submitted during registration.

The Importance of our Weekend Schedule

Please try to arrive at Camp Cumberland Pines by 5:00 pm, Central Time, on the Thursday of your weekend. The preparation we do on Thursday evening lays the foundation for the rest of the weekend, so it is helpful if all volunteers are present by this time. Further, we start earlier on Sunday morning because we know that some need to get on the road as soon as possible. We appreciate if all participants do stay through Closing Circle on Sunday morning. This is especially helpful in our camp cleaning efforts as we, together, prepare our facilities for future volunteers and keep our facilities safe. Each weekend, Mountain T.O.P. is offering an optional Community Field Trip lead by staff to a pre-determined surprise site in order to connect with our community and learn about the service area! It is free of charge, and your location will be communicated to you before the end of September!


  • 5:00 pm Registration

  • 6:00 pm Dinner

  • Community Orientation

  • Worship

  • Field Orientation

  • Ministry Production Team (MPT) Breakdown & Project Assignments

Friday & Saturday

  • 7:15 am Group Morning Devotional

  • 7:30 am Breakfast

  • 8:00 am MPTs meet & leave for project sites

  • 5:00 pm All MPTs return to camp

  • 6:00 pm Dinner

  • Sharing

  • Worship

  • Fellowship time


  • 7:15 am Group Morning Devotional

  • 7:30 am Breakfast

  • 8:00 am Camp evaluation

  • Clean-up

  • Closing Circle

  • 8:45 am Departure

Previous Projects

Previous Projects

Adults in Ministry (AIM) projects are ones that affect the structural integrity, energy efficiency, dryness, and handicap accessibility of a home. These projects include: siding replacement, roof replacement, foundation repair, bathroom remodels, and hallway expansions.


The 25-year shingles installed in the 1990’s on this 1960’s home were quickly approaching the end of their lifespan. There were known leaks around the two chimneys of the house and other spots that had been patched in the past. We installed all new metal over the roof and replaced flashing along the chimneys. The shingles were not removed, but instead 1x4 purlins were installed on top of the existing roof. Interior work included replacing the ceiling in the small addition, as that has seen the majority of the water damage.


Notice of structural damage with this home became apparent when the floor began to sink. Deteriorated siding had left part of the framing exposed as well as revealing damage to the rim joists. Leaking windows contributed to the overall state of disrepair. Over a span of 6 weeks, we made extensive repairs starting with the rim joists. New housewrap and HardiePlank cement siding were installed. The old, leaking windows were replaced with new, energy efficient, vinyl windows. In the near future, we plan to address the roof issues by replacing it with a new, corrugated metal roof.


The cedar shingles which were siding this home were originally scrap material when the home was built, and over time they have dried out leaving many large gaps and cracks. Combined with the lack of house wrap and sheathing on the gabled ends, this home was very energy inefficient. Mountain T.O.P.’s main focus was correcting this by first repairing or replacing the house wrap and sheathing where it was damaged or missing. We also replaced the cedar shingles with Hardie Plank cement lap siding and the old windows with a more energy efficient version.


Frequently Asked Questions

Didn’t find all the answers you were looking for in the Core Guide? Still have questions about what the weekend will look like?

Check out our FAQ below!

What are the sleeping accommodations like?

Participants stay in cabins on site. These two cabins have 14 rooms with either two sets of bunk beds or two twin beds. There are bathrooms and a common area in each cabin, along with a refrigerator, coffee station, and beautiful porch to enjoy. Participants are responsible for providing their own bedding and towels.

How are meals provided?

Breakfast and dinner are hot meals provided in our Dining Hall. Volunteers will take a brown bag lunch to the worksite. All meals from Thursday dinner to Sunday breakfast are provided. Our kitchen staff can accommodate dietary needs and allergies, if you notify us ahead of time. We ask that if you have dietary lifestyle choices that you assist our kitchen staff by providing some of your own food. Please contact Jacey for further questions.

I don’t have any construction experience. Is this a good place for me?

Absolutely! This is why we create Ministry Production Teams (MPTs) so those with little to no skill can be taught by those who do. We see that there are four needs that need addressed: physical, social, emotional, and spiritual. While the physical needs will be met through the home repair work, we highly emphasize building relationships with the families. Taking time to get to know the family is important. Additionally, there are always small tasks to help with, including site clean up and safety coordination.

How are work teams assigned?

On Thursday evening, our staff will facilitate the breakdown of teams. Traditionally, our goal is to create teams with a mix of experience, skills, and backgrounds. This both ensures that every project will have the necessary knowledge to complete the tasks and that volunteers are stretched and meet new people. For this reason, we try to separate family members, couples, and friends when possible.

On any worksite, there is work for every skill level. Because we value meeting the social, emotional, and spiritual needs of the family, we encourage Mountain T.O.P. volunteers to spend time building relationships with the families, from a socially-appropriate distance! Furthermore, each Ministry Production Team (MPT) has a Point Person. This person is a pre-designated volunteer that serves as a liaison between Mountain T.O.P.’s Service Area Managers and the rest of the team. The Point Person may have specific experience necessary for the particular project or a plethora of Mountain T.O.P. experience that can help the group feel comfortable on the worksite.

Where exactly am I going, and how do I get there?

The physical address for Camp Cumberland Pines is: 480 Old Hwy 56, Coalmont, TN 37313. We suggest using Google Maps for navigational purposes. You can search “ Mountain Top Service Project ” and it will direct you to the correct place!