2018 Summer Outcome Report

As a community we made incredible strides in fulfilling Mountain TOP’s mission.  We are proud to present the 2018 Summer Outcomes Report. This report outlines the incredible hard work of our summer staff, volunteers and community members.

Mountain TOP’s Executive Director, Ed Simmons, wrote a brief letter introducing the report. You can find the letter and a link to the Outcome Report below.

Mountain T.O.P. Family,
We are called and charged by God to make a difference in the kingdom. This report is about how we are having a greater impact across the lives of all we encounter. How do you and I make a real difference in the world through Mountain T.O.P.? How does Jesus want this ministry to have a greater impact?
It seems to me that the difference between impossible and impact is ultimately the difference between “no” and “yes.” Those individuals, partners and churches that serve through Mountain T.O.P could have easily have said, “no” when asked to get involved. I’m sure they could have come up with so many good reasons to say “no.” But they said, “yes.” They said, “yes, I will participate and invest in this ministry.”
They said, “yes,” and their investment of time, dollars and prayers were turned into the impacts you see throughout this report. And big impacts they were! This is true because when God’s children encounter God’s challenge, the difference between impossible and impact is the difference between “no” and “yes.”
As you read through these pages you will see time and time again that greater impact that results when we join together. Thanks for being with us in 2018 and taking the time to celebrate with us all that has been accomplished.
With love and gratitude,
Ed Simmons
Executive Director

2018 Summer Outcomes Report