The Mountain TOP Baker Staff Experience- Steven Stinson


Being on summer staff this year was one of the best experiences that I think I have ever had. But, I certainly can’t take any of that credit myself. My personal staff, The Bake Babes, have helped me in that short time we were a group grow to become a better person, Christian, musician, and corn hole player. But the staff that God placed me with was not the only blessing I got this summer. I met awesome people in my sister staff, the Pines’ staffs, the amazing year around staff, and some pretty awesome campers and people in the service area. They are and still are a blessing to who I have become.

When I was placed at Camp Baker with my staff, I wasn’t originally sure what to think. As a camper, I went to Camp Pines more, so I was less familiar with Baker and its service area (Thank the Lord for GPS’). The staff I was with had Keeley, who loved eating anything that would be good for the belly of her. Sydney, my program manager, was one of the most hyper people I have ever seen, and had all the types of colored rubber straws you could imagine. My field manager Larissa was really chill, and a complete contrast from Sydney, and could build a ramp by herself faster than our whole staff could together. Ryan was a Ministry Coordinator with me, and we were both excited to share our musical talents. Jamie, who was also a Ministry Coordinator, had the largest collection of bandanas in the world, but was too modest to apply for the world record. And Sammy (you guessed it, another Ministry Coordinator) turned into the guy I could trust with anything, and one of the most dependable and awesome guys I have ever known.


There were a lot of memories that came from this summer. From water balloons, to mounted deer heads, to sorting the paint dungeon, and going to the House on the Hill with Buff Toddler and Ashley the Traitor, we made a lot of great memories. But I think my favorite part of the whole experience was worships. As a staffer, I got to see how all the really impactful worships I had as a camper were made and the process of deciding how everything would work. Seeing how everything was set up, it almost looked like we were just putting on a show. But as we went on, it became so much more, because it’s never just a show. It became a place for all of us to express our faith. It became a place to sing Wesley’s Prayer and mean the words. It became a place where I would watch my summer family express their views on our awesome God. It became a place where we came together under the Lord and helped people. And I realized that is what I really got out of all of my other experiences. Sure, I had some fun experiences in the service area, but what made it all was the time we got to spend with God. The people I was surrounded by helped my growth, and I cannot thank them enough for this summer.

I loved this summer. I met great people, did great projects for great people in the service area, and now have a greater relationship with my Lord than ever. I know that the God of Hope will be my source for anything and everything I need. I have learned to listen for Him, and I learned most importantly that everything happens for a reason. Just give it to God, and it will be ok. That is what I took away from this summer, and will carry with me for the rest of my life.