Mountain T.O.P.'s Response to our Global Pandemic
To our Mountain T.O.P. Community,
Our theme for 2020 is “a season for everything” and we have found ourselves in quite a unique season. COVID-19 has, and continues to, rapidly shape and reshape our world and present us all with situations we have never faced before. We are finding ourselves in a season requiring us to slow down, stay home, be present, and seek God’s guidance in new ways.
At this time, our plan is to continue to host all of our summer programs as scheduled. In the meantime, our staff will be actively working on preparations within our camps, creating health and safety protocols, and discerning how to appropriately address the needs of our homeowners and volunteers. We will be paying close attention to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the World Health Organization, and local health officials for guidance and updates.
Mountain T.O.P. was founded on the philosophy of partnership and now, more than ever, we will be relying on those partnerships to ensure that this ministry remains strong. As a 501(c)3 organization, we rely on donations and participant fees to support our critical infrastructure. and ultimately accomplish our mission. We will continue to meet the physical, social, emotional, and spiritual needs of all people, even if that looks a little different in this season. Especially in this critical time, we are committed to our community.
Here are ways you can support Mountain T.O.P. during this season:
Pray for us: our staff, our local community, and the college-aged staff we have hired to lead our summer programs
Give to us: become a monthly supporter by joining the Builders Club or make a one-time donation
Join us: register to serve this summer or consider serving this fall during Adults in Ministry
Continue your preparations for the summertime!
We will keep you updated as new information is released. Check in on one another, check in on us! We are thankful for you!
Peace to you,
The Mountain T.O.P. Staff