"I cherish my time on the Mountain and return to it whenever I can."

I began my Mountain TOP career as a camper in 1987 at Camp Overton. I had just finished the seventh grade and had never been to a mission camp before. Although I didn’t know it then, the experience I had that week changed the trajectory of my life forever. I went on to camp for three more years, my final year as a youth director who had brought my kids for the week to Camp Woodlee. At the end of that week, I made the decision that serving on the summer staff would be my goal for the next summer. I was hired as a Lead Program and then went on to serve three summers as a Day Camp Director.

The skills I learned during staff training and then implemented throughout the summer prepared me in so many ways to lead the organization that I do today. Performance evaluation, purpose and importance, how to lead group discussions, interpersonal management and communication skills, having fun while the work gets done, situational leadership, having a servant heart, I could go on and on.

I also happened to meet my wife that first summer on staff, and we now have two children. One of which is named Glancy after the camp where she and I became so close. I have friendships that will last a lifetime from my summers on staff. One of the greatest losses of my life was when George Bass passed away. He was hard on me my first summer, but we became very close as the years went on and he became my mentor, my friend, and my champion.

I cherish my time on the Mountain and return to it whenever I can. The calm that it brings while thinking about the memories that were made and the friendships that were built help to calm my soul.

Dietz’s timeline of his time at Mountain T.O.P.:

Camper 1987, 1988, 1989, 1993

Summer staff 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997 T

raining Staff 1998, 1999

Board of Directors 2017, 2018