Life off the Mountain, On the Frontline

Life off the Mountain, On the Frontline

Jessica Semaan was on Mountain T.O.P.'s summer staff from 2016-2019. She worked as a Service Project Ministry Coordinator, Program Manager, YSM Director, and SHC Director. Now she works as an ER Nurse in Troy, MI, at a Level 2 Trauma Center. She shares with us her journey of navigating COVID-19 as a young nurse and how the skills she learned at Mountain T.O.P. helped her traverse the climate that quickly became her everyday life.

Creating Hope Within Ourselves

Creating Hope Within Ourselves

"Hope can sometimes be the most difficult feeling to create within ourselves. I would be remiss to not recognize the countless events in the last year that would make us feel anything other than hopeless: a global pandemic, racial injustice, political strife, and an increasing polarization of our communities. As a young adult about to graduate from college, I feel the pressure of these events each day." Kristin Guglielmo, 2020 Program Manager (pictured far right)

Renewed Sense of Hope

Renewed Sense of Hope

Join Julie as she reflects on the seasons of 2020. Mountain T.O.P. spent 2020 reflecting on the seasons of life - spiritually, physically, socially, and emotionally - in one of the most different seasons any of us could have anticipated. In the midst of all of the challenges, we celebrate the good things that happened at Mountain T.O.P. las year. Read a few examples on our blog!