Welcome Sophia Wickersham!

Welcome Sophia Wickersham!

My name is Sophia Wickersham and I have been hired as the Development Manager for Mountain T.O.P. I am from Winchester, Indiana where I grew up with my three older siblings and my two wonderful parents. I just graduated from Indiana University with a degree in Nonprofit Management and Leadership with minors in Public Finance and Marketing. Throughout college I was involved in many different organizations, however most of my time was spent training and competing alongside so many dedicated and hardworking women on the Varsity Women’s Rowing Team. 

Thursday Day Break: Hospitality

Thursday Day Break: Hospitality

Thursday… it has always been a bit of an odd day in camp. It’s in a weird spot, pinched between “Half-Way Up the Mountain Day” and “it’s Friday Y’all!” What do you do with it? Your week’s not quite over yet, but maybe you’ve started thinking about going back to the valley below. For sure your cabin is looking and smelling like it’s Thursday. Truth is, there is still work to be done, people to serve, bonds to strengthen and a God to worship.

2019 Summer Staff Training

2019 Summer Staff Training

We are blessed beyond measure to have such a dedicated, insightful and amazing summer staffers. Staff Training was long, hot, fun, and crazy and now these staffers are now officially prepared for the summer of their lives! We wanted to share all the memories with you! As a gift from the summer staff to the Mountain T.O.P. community, here is a video highlighting 2019 Summer Staff Training. After you’re down with the video.

2019 George Bass Brick and Mortar Dinner

2019 George Bass Brick and Mortar Dinner

On Saturday March 2nd, we held our Annual George Bass Brick and Mortar Dinner. We take time to raise money for the George Bass Endowment Fund and to celebrate outstanding individuals that make Mountain T.O.P. an incredible place to grow and serve. Get to know the recipients of the Community Partnership Award, Volunteer of the Year award, and the latest inductees to the Fisher of People Hall of Fame.

2018 Gratitude Report

2018 Gratitude Report

his report captures a few stories of courageous partnership. Behind the numbers are individuals who courageously extended a hand, tried something new, made a change, took the lead. Behind the short quotes of appreciation are grander narratives of lives that are perhaps healthier, bolder, and more connected to their community. As we celebrate the partnerships and progress made in 2018, we pay special attention to how we can continue to answer the call of following Jesus faithfully and courageously.

Spiritual Growth Through Missions

Spiritual Growth Through Missions

Throughout my high school years, mission trips looked very homogeneous. They only happened in the summer and involved a long van ride with my youth group friends to Tennessee. Even today the thought of such trips brings to mind the smell of old vinyl. Our church wasn’t strapped for cash, yet we were transported around in a long string of hand-me-down 12-passenger vans. You know, the kind of vehicles that have since been outlawed because of safety concerns.